19. Scalable Vector Data Analysis#
You can access this notebook (in a Docker image) on this GitHub repo.
In this lecture, we are going to use Dask-GeoPandas
package to read a large vector dataset from Source Cooperative. Then use Dask parrallel computation to apply a spatial join operation to two geospatial DataFrames.
Our target dataset is the Google-Microsoft Open Buildings - combined by VIDA
dataset hosted on Source Cooperative. This is a combined version of the Google and Microsoft Open Buildings datasets and it has files in GeoParquet format hosted on AWS S3 bucket. Read the dataset description to familiarize yourself with the dataset and its structure.
GeoParquet is a relatively new and open data format for column-oriented geospatial data. This format is build on the existing Apache Parquet format which is a very powerful format replacing CSV. You can check the specification here, and read more about the format on this website. In short, this format is interoperable, compressed and designed to work with large scale datasets.
19.1. Source Cooperative#
Source Cooperative is a neutral, non-profit data-sharing utility that allows trusted organizations to share data without purchasing a data portal SaaS subscription or managing infrastructure. Source Cooperative is managed by Radiant Earth, and hosts 10s of datasets on its repository.
In order to access/download data, you need to create a free account on Source Cooperative. Click on Sign in/up at the top of the page here, and follow the steps to create an account. Make sure to use a non-Clark email to keep your account active after your graduation.
19.1.1. AWS Set up#
All data on Source Cooperative, are hosted on AWS S3 bucket. In order to access them, you need credentials that you can generate on Source Cooperative website. Atfer logging in, click on your name at the top right corner, and then click on your username. Then navigate to “Manage” page on the left side. At the bottom of this page you will find a section called “API Keys”. If no key has been generated before, generate a new one and then copy the values for each of the following keys, and paste them in the following cell:
Next, you need to create a s3 client from boto3
library using your Source Cooperative credentials:
import boto3
s3_client = boto3.client('s3',
aws_access_key_id = AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
aws_secret_access_key = AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
19.2. Download and Load Buildings Footprint Data into Dask-GeoPandas#
First, we start a new Dask cluster:
from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster
cluster = LocalCluster()
client = Client(cluster)
2024-11-17 01:07:57,786 - distributed.shuffle._scheduler_plugin - WARNING - Shuffle 76f1ae92f3654bb2df8ba7e1257b2500 initialized by task ('shuffle-transfer-76f1ae92f3654bb2df8ba7e1257b2500', 4) executed on worker tcp://
2024-11-17 01:08:08,525 - distributed.shuffle._scheduler_plugin - WARNING - Shuffle 76f1ae92f3654bb2df8ba7e1257b2500 deactivated due to stimulus 'task-finished-1731805688.5253875'
In this lecture, we are going to access the data from a specific country. As noted in the dataset description, you need the 3-letter country ISO name to access the corresponding file. You can look up the ISO name for your country of choice here.
You need to enter the ISO name and the EPSG corresponding to the UTM zone of your country of choice in the following:
country_code = "RWA"
country_epsg = 32736
Define a path to download the data:
local_path = "./data/"
Let’s import our function from utils
module and run it. This function uses Dask-GeoPandas to lazy load the data from GeoParquet format into memory.
from utils import get_google_microsoft_bldgs
The following cell downloads the geoparquet file from s3 bucket, and loads it into Dask-GeoPandas
. We are using a default value of 256M for the blocksize in Dask. If you run into memory issue in the rest of the notebook, lower the blocksize and re-run the following cell.
bldg_ddf = get_google_microsoft_bldgs(country_code, s3_client, local_path, blocksize = "256M")
File already exists locally. No download needed.
boundary_id | bf_source | confidence | area_in_meters | s2_id | country_iso | geohash | geometry | bbox | |
npartitions=5 | |||||||||
int64 | object | float64 | float64 | int64 | object | object | geometry | object | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
19.3. Read Adminsitrative Boundaries Dataset#
We are also interested to load the adminsitrative boundaries dataset for our country of choice, and assign each building an administrative unit (Parish) name.
You can download each countries administrative unit json files on GDAM website. Each country has different number of levels for their administrative units (and not all are available on GDAM website).
Check your country of choice, and find what is the highest level of administrative boundaries that is available.
In the following, we are interested in level 4 data, and the following function will download it.
from utils import get_gdam_json
boundaries = get_gdam_json(country_code = country_code, admin_level=4)
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World.
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
GID_4 | GID_0 | COUNTRY | GID_1 | NAME_1 | GID_2 | NAME_2 | GID_3 | NAME_3 | Parish | VARNAME_4 | TYPE_4 | ENGTYPE_4 | CC_4 | geometry | |
0 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.1_1 | Amajyaruguru | RWA.1.1_1 | Burera | RWA.1.1.1_1 | Bungwe | Bungwe | NA | Cell | Cell | 440101 | MULTIPOLYGON (((29.9763 -1.5148, 29.9733 -1.51... |
1 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.1_1 | Amajyaruguru | RWA.1.1_1 | Burera | RWA.1.1.1_1 | Bungwe | Bushenya | NA | Cell | Cell | 440102 | MULTIPOLYGON (((29.9673 -1.4826, 29.9616 -1.48... |
2 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.1_1 | Amajyaruguru | RWA.1.1_1 | Burera | RWA.1.1.1_1 | Bungwe | Mudugari | NA | Cell | Cell | 440103 | MULTIPOLYGON (((29.961 -1.4714, 29.9629 -1.473... |
3 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.1_1 | Amajyaruguru | RWA.1.1_1 | Burera | RWA.1.1.1_1 | Bungwe | Tumba | NA | Cell | Cell | 440104 | MULTIPOLYGON (((29.9713 -1.5133, 29.9811 -1.51... |
4 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.1_1 | Amajyaruguru | RWA.1.1_1 | Burera | RWA.1.1.2_1 | Butaro | Gatsibo | NA | Cell | Cell | 440201 | MULTIPOLYGON (((29.8394 -1.3918, 29.8387 -1.39... |
19.4. Spatial Join#
Now, we will use the spatial join to add the Parish name (Parish
column in boundaries
) to bldg_ddf
bldg_ddf_w_boundaries = bldg_ddf.sjoin(boundaries, how="inner", predicate="intersects")
boundary_id | bf_source | confidence | area_in_meters | s2_id | country_iso | geohash | geometry | bbox | index_right | GID_4 | GID_0 | COUNTRY | GID_1 | NAME_1 | GID_2 | NAME_2 | GID_3 | NAME_3 | Parish | VARNAME_4 | TYPE_4 | ENGTYPE_4 | CC_4 | |
npartitions=5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
int64 | object | float64 | float64 | int64 | object | object | geometry | object | int64 | string | string | string | string | string | string | string | string | string | string | string | string | string | string | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
buildigs_per_parish = bldg_ddf_w_boundaries["Parish"].value_counts().compute()
Agakomeye 3832
Agateko 5431
Akinyambo 6058
Banda 1885
Barari 2241
Twiya 1112
Ubumwe 577
Umukamba 2197
Uwacyiza 1731
Uwumusebeya 2344
Name: count, Length: 1483, dtype: int64[pyarrow]
print(f"Total number of buildings is {buildigs_per_parish.sum()}")
Total number of buildings is 6326876
19.4.1. Exercise 1: Plot the number of buildings per Parish on the map#
boundaries_w_count = boundaries.merge(buildigs_per_parish, on="Parish")
GID_4 | GID_0 | COUNTRY | GID_1 | NAME_1 | GID_2 | NAME_2 | GID_3 | NAME_3 | Parish | VARNAME_4 | TYPE_4 | ENGTYPE_4 | CC_4 | geometry | count | |
0 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.1_1 | Amajyaruguru | RWA.1.1_1 | Burera | RWA.1.1.1_1 | Bungwe | Bungwe | NA | Cell | Cell | 440101 | MULTIPOLYGON (((29.9763 -1.5148, 29.9733 -1.51... | 5151 |
1 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.1_1 | Amajyaruguru | RWA.1.1_1 | Burera | RWA.1.1.1_1 | Bungwe | Bushenya | NA | Cell | Cell | 440102 | MULTIPOLYGON (((29.9673 -1.4826, 29.9616 -1.48... | 1708 |
2 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.1_1 | Amajyaruguru | RWA.1.1_1 | Burera | RWA.1.1.1_1 | Bungwe | Mudugari | NA | Cell | Cell | 440103 | MULTIPOLYGON (((29.961 -1.4714, 29.9629 -1.473... | 1200 |
3 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.1_1 | Amajyaruguru | RWA.1.1_1 | Burera | RWA.1.1.1_1 | Bungwe | Tumba | NA | Cell | Cell | 440104 | MULTIPOLYGON (((29.9713 -1.5133, 29.9811 -1.51... | 3432 |
4 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.1_1 | Amajyaruguru | RWA.1.1_1 | Burera | RWA.1.1.2_1 | Butaro | Gatsibo | NA | Cell | Cell | 440201 | MULTIPOLYGON (((29.8394 -1.3918, 29.8387 -1.39... | 8984 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2164 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.5_1 | UmujyiwaKigali | RWA.5.3_1 | Nyarugenge | RWA.5.3.9_1 | Nyarugenge | Rwampara | NA | Cell | Cell | 110904 | MULTIPOLYGON (((30.0618 -1.9723, 30.0571 -1.97... | 3968 |
2165 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.5_1 | UmujyiwaKigali | RWA.5.3_1 | Nyarugenge | RWA.5.3.10_1 | Rwezamenyo | KabuguruI | NA | Cell | Cell | 111001 | MULTIPOLYGON (((30.0531 -1.971, 30.0523 -1.971... | 1406 |
2166 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.5_1 | UmujyiwaKigali | RWA.5.3_1 | Nyarugenge | RWA.5.3.10_1 | Rwezamenyo | KabuguruIi | NA | Cell | Cell | 111002 | MULTIPOLYGON (((30.0472 -1.9744, 30.0491 -1.97... | 1061 |
2167 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.5_1 | UmujyiwaKigali | RWA.5.3_1 | Nyarugenge | RWA.5.3.10_1 | Rwezamenyo | RwezamenyoI | NA | Cell | Cell | 111003 | MULTIPOLYGON (((30.0563 -1.9715, 30.0548 -1.97... | 2155 |
2168 | RWA. | RWA | Rwanda | RWA.5_1 | UmujyiwaKigali | RWA.5.3_1 | Nyarugenge | RWA.5.3.10_1 | Rwezamenyo | RwezamenyoIi | NA | Cell | Cell | 111004 | MULTIPOLYGON (((30.0475 -1.9781, 30.0468 -1.97... | 959 |
2169 rows × 16 columns
<Axes: >

19.4.2. Exercise 2: Calculate percentage of the area of each Parish that is covered by buildings#
bldg_area_per_parish = bldg_ddf_w_boundaries.groupby("Parish")["area_in_meters"].sum().compute()
boundaries_w_count = boundaries_w_count.merge(bldg_area_per_parish, on="Parish")
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World.
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich
To calculate the correct area of each Parish we need to project the geometries to a CRS that has units of meter. Here we will use country_epsg
to reproject the data.
boundaries_w_count["percent_bldg"] = boundaries_w_count["area_in_meters"] / boundaries_w_count.to_crs(country_epsg).area * 100
boundaries_w_count.explore("percent_bldg", vmax = 15)